Hi… Many people have said that the best part of giving a fine quality gift is seeing the bright smile on someone’s unsuspecting face as they receive that fine quality gift from them... Other people have said that the best part of fine gift-giving is receiving a fine quality gift back in return... There’s an even third, very common opinion, where the person, as a passing onlooker, looks over and sees others giving fine quality gifts to one another and as they are watching, they become almost embarrassingly angry that others are sharing gifts who actually in their lives, appear to be genuinely happy, while deep down as onlookers, they wish that they could have something real, the way that looks, in their personal lives too... Well, I have honestly been in all three of those positions before...I have given, I have been given, and I have watched others give fine quality gifts to each other in happiness... But as a fact, everyone around myself that I happen to know, looks at a fine quality gift that they see as truly worth giving, and of all the people in their lives that smile, wave, speak, call, visit, come and go, they remember that only a few of those people that received all the fine quality gifts that they had ever given, were there for them at a point that really mattered most... This type of thing affects us all when we are personally handled in such an insensitive, inconsiderate way that giving a fine quality gift, to many of them, again caused them to feel deeply hesitant... When they ask me for my opinion, I tell them that to gift responsibly, because gifting is very personal. And when giving a fine quality gift, make sure a steady exchange of truly thoughtful warm appreciation and meaningful communication, as a gift, has already been shared and reciprocated both ways... This is because in the end, it’s not the fine quality gift itself that we have given to a lying, phony pretender that bothers us, it’s the fact that we sent that fine quality gift along with our finest feelings that are priceless pieces of ourselves… So, gift away!!
So, do you find it easy to give a fine quality gift to one person, versus another person? Like, does it matter if one person is a warm person, versus the person who is a jerk but you’re “supposed” to give a gift to that person, or do you just give the same fine quality gift to the gift anyway?